Nebraska Crop Improvement Association


Nebraska Crop Improvement Association is a not-for-profit, membership-based corporation designated as the official seed and plant part certification agency for the State of Nebraska. It is designated by the Vice Chancellor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln as enabled under the laws of the State of Nebraska. In addition to seed certification services, NCIA offers educational opportunities, auditing, seed field inspections, and seed laboratory testing services.


NCIA Mission Statement:

"To support and promote the production and use of high-quality seed through certification and quality assurance services, education, and collaboration with the agricultural community."

NCIA Vision Statement:

"To be a trusted resource for improving and assuring seed quality."


2-2808. Nebraska Crop Improvement Association; purpose.

"The general purposes of the Nebraska Crop Improvement Association are (1) to carry on all activities incident to the certification of crop seeds as authorized by the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources under rules and regulations approved by such college, (2) to maintain and make available to the public, through certification, high quality seeds of superior crop varieties so grown and distributed as to ensure genetic identity and genetic purity, (3) to publicize, advertise, and otherwise promote the merits and use of certified seed, and (4) to carry on educational work for improving the agronomic practices and furthering agricultural interests in the state."

Nebraska Legislature: Laws 1969, c. 2, § 8, p. 64.


Nebraska Seed Tracking System (NSTS)

268 Plant Science Hall, P.O. BOX 830911, Lincoln, NE 68583-0911
Phone: 402-472-1444
Fax: 402-472-8652

Nebraska Certified Seed Logo

Archival Footage of Nebraska Seed Certification from the 1940s.

Videos are available from the Archives & Special Collections, University Libraries, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Check out the videos