Membership Application

Current Membership List

Membership Categories

Each year the membership fee is to be paid on January 1 and must be received before Application for Field Inspection is made.

NOTE: A $200 INITIATION FEE is due with the application for membership. The initiation fee covers the first years membership dues and the cost of materials. This initiation fee will apply for all new memberships, and those who do not maintain a continuous membership.

GROWER: $80/year - A member who applies for field inspection services and uses the services of either a custom or approved conditioner to prepare seed for marketing channels.

GROWER-CONDITIONER: $100/year - A member who applies for field inspection services and has adequate facilities (subject to minimum equipment and procedural guidelines) for conditioning his own seed produced from inspected acres in preparation for marketing channels. A grower conditioner cannot serve as a custom cleaner for other members.

CUSTOM CERTIFIED CONDITIONER: $140/year - A member who may or may not apply for field inspection services and who has adequate facilities (subject to minimum equipment and procedural guidelines) for conditioning seed produced from inspected acres (by himself or other members) in preparation for sale in marketing channels.

APPROVED SEED CONDITIONER: $250/year - A member who may or may not apply for field inspection services and who has adequate facilities (subject to minimum equipment and procedural guidelines) for conditioning seed. An approved seed conditioner may purchase bulk uncleaned seed from inspected acres of a crop grown by another member for conditioning, tagging, and sale in marketing channels as a class of certified seed.

ASSOCIATE: $50/year - All other parties, who would not be included in any of the above classifications but are interested in furthering the goals of the Association, may become associate members without the right to vote. (Initiation fee does not apply)

RETAIL FACILITY: $100/year - A member who purchases certified seed from another member for the purpose of retailing the seed. If the seed is sold in bulk the facility must have adequate facilities to maintain the genetic purity of the seed. (Initiation fee does not apply)